
Nouns are words that name people, places, or things, states, qualifies or ideas. Nouns can be the subject or object in a sentence.

  • The car is dirty. Car is the subject.
  • I love to read books. Books are the object.

The most common nouns are:

  air area art abuse
  back body book business
  car case change child
  city community company country
  day door dam danger
  end eye earth east
  face fact family father
  friend fabric fan farm
  game gain gift girl
  glue government group guy
  hand head health history
  home hour house  
  icon idea information issue
  jacket jar jet jewel
  kid kitchen keep kind
  law level life line
  lable labor Labrador lot
  man member minute moment
  money month morning mother
  name night number  
  office others oak occasion
  parent part party people
  person place point power
  president problem program  
  quack quad Quadruple question
  reason record research result
  review reward right room
  school service side state
  story student study system
  teacher team thing time
  war water way week
  woman word work world
  x-ray  xylophone    
  year yo youth yoke
  zagging zapper ziplock zoology



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