Adjective serves as a modifier of a noun or as a helper to the noun. An adjective amplifies the noun. The word white in “the white house” white is the adjective. In most sentences adjective usually comes right before a noun but not always. The huge house. A red car.
He is an adventurous mountain climber. The music came blaring from the stage. They are very clever in business. His resume was embellished with information. He was foolhardy in business. It was great to meet you.
A | |||||
abandoned | admirable | alarmed | anguished | astonishing | |
able | admired | alarming | animated | athletic | |
absolute | adolescent | alert | annual | attached | |
adorable | adorable | alienated | another | attentive | |
adventurous | adored | alive | antique | attractive | |
academic | advanced | all | anxious | austere | |
acceptable | afraid | altruistic | any | authentic | |
acclaimed | affectionate | amazing | apprehensive | authorized | |
accomplished | aged | ambitious | appropriate | automatic | |
accurate | aggravating | ample | apt | avaricious | |
aching | aggressive | amused | arctic | average | |
acidic | agile | amusing | arid | aware | |
acrobatic | agitated | anchored | aromatic | awesome | |
active | agonizing | ancient | artistic | awful | |
actual | agreeable | angelic | ashamed | awkward | |
adept | ajar | angry | assured | ||
B | |||||
bad | bewitched | blissful | bowed | bumpy | |
back | big | blond | brave | buoyant | |
baggy | big-hearted | blue | breakable | burdensome | |
bare | biodegradable | blushing | brief | burly | |
barren | bite-sized | bogus | bright | bustling | |
basic | bitter | boiling | brisk | busy | |
beautiful | black | bold | broken | buttery | |
belated | black-and-white | boring | bronze | buzzing | |
beloved | bland | bossy | brown | ||
beneficial | blaring | both | bruised | ||
better | bleak | bouncy | bubbly | ||
best | blind | bountiful | bulky | ||
C | |||||
calculating | chilly | colorless | conventional | critical | |
calm | chubby | colossal | cooked | crooked | |
candid | circular | comfortable | cool | crowded | |
canine | classic | common | cooperative | cruel | |
capital | clean | compassionate | coordinated | crushing | |
carefree | clear | competent | corny | cuddly | |
careful | clear-cut | complete | corrupt | cultivated | |
careless | clever | complex | costly | cultured | |
caring | close | complicated | courageous | cumbersome | |
cautious | closed | composed | courteous | curly | |
cavernous | cloudy | concerned | crafty | curvy | |
celebrated | clueless | concrete | crazy | cute | |
charming | clumsy | confused | creamy | cylindrical | |
cheap | cluttered | conscious | creative | ||
cheerful | coarse | considerate | creepy | ||
cheery | cold | constant | criminal | ||
chief | colorful | content | crisp | ||
D | |||||
damaged | deep | dependent | disfigured | doting | |
damp | defenseless | descriptive | disgusting | double | |
dangerous | defensive | deserted | disloyal | downright | |
dapper | defiant | detailed | dismal | drab | |
daring | deficient | determined | distant | drafty | |
darling | definite | devoted | downright | dramatic | |
dark | definitive | different | dreary | dreary | |
dazzling | delayed | difficult | dirty | droopy | |
dead | delectable | digital | disguised | dry | |
deadly | delicious | diligent | dishonest | dual | |
deafening | delightful | dim | dismal | dull | |
dear | delirious | dimpled | distant | dutiful | |
dearest | demanding | dimwitted | distinct | ||
decent | dense | direct | distorted | ||
decimal | dental | disastrous | dizzy | ||
decisive | dependable | discrete | dopey | ||
E | |||||
each | elderly | energetic | even | exotic | |
eager | electric | enlightened | evergreen | expensive | |
earnest | elegant | enormous | everlasting | experienced | |
early | elementary | enraged | every | expert | |
easy | elliptical | entire | evil | extraneous | |
easy-going | embarrassed | envious | exalted | extroverted | |
ecstatic | embellished | equal | excellent | extra-large | |
edible | eminent | equatorial | exemplary | extra-small | |
educated | emotional | essential | exhausted | ||
elaborate | empty | esteemed | excitable | ||
elastic | enchanted | ethical | excited | ||
elated | enchanting | euphoric | exciting | ||
F | |||||
fabulous | fatherly | fixed | forceful | frilly | |
failing | favorable | flaky | forked | frizzy | |
faint | favorite | flamboyant | formal | frivolous | |
fair | fearful | flashy | forsaken | front | |
faithful | fearless | flat | forthright | frosty | |
fake | feisty | flawed | fortunate | frozen | |
flase | feline | flawless | fragrant | frugal | |
familiar | female | flickering | frail | fruitful | |
famous | feminine | flimsy | frank | full | |
fancy | few | flippant | frayed | fumbling | |
fantastic | fickle | flowery | free | functional | |
far | filthy | fluffy | French | funny | |
faraway | fine | fluid | fresh | fussy | |
far-flung | finished | flustered | frequent | fuzzy | |
far-off | firm | focused | friendly | ||
fast | first | fond | frightened | ||
fat | firsthand | foolhardy | frightening | ||
fatal | fitting | foolish | frigid | ||
G | |||||
gargantuan | glamorous | golden | gray | grouchy | |
gaseous | glaring | good | great | grounded | |
general | glass | good-natured | greedy | growing | |
generous | gleaming | gorgeous | green | growling | |
gentle | gleeful | graceful | gregarious | grown | |
genuine | glistening | gracious | grim | grubby | |
giant | glittering | grand | grimy | gruesome | |
giddy | gloomy | grandiose | gripping | grumpy | |
gigantic | glorious | granular | grizzled | guilty | |
gifted | glossy | grateful | gross | gullible | |
giving | glum | grave | grotesque | gummy | |
H | |||||
hairy | harmonious | helpful | honorable | hungry | |
half | harsh | helpless | honored | hurtful | |
handmade | hasty | hidden | hopeful | husky | |
handsome | hateful | hideous | horrible | ||
handy | haunting | high | hospitable | ||
happy | healthy | high-level | hot | ||
happy-go-lucky | heartfelt | hilarious | huge | ||
hard | hearty | hoarse | humble | ||
hard-to-find | heavenly | hollow | humiliating | ||
harmful | heavy | homely | humming | ||
harmless | hefty | honest | humongous | ||
I | |||||
icky | illustrious | important | inexperienced | insubstantial | |
icy | imaginary | impossible | indolent | intelligent | |
ideal | imaginative | impractical | infamous | intent | |
idealistic | immaculate | impressionable | infantile | intentional | |
identical | immaterial | impressive | infatuated | interesting | |
idle | immediate | improbable | inferior | internal | |
idiotic | immense | impure | infinite | international | |
idolized | impassioned | inborn | informal | intrepid | |
ignorant | impeccable | incomparable | innocent | ironclad | |
ill | impartial | incompatible | insecure | irresponsible | |
illegal | imperfect | incomplete | insidious | irritating | |
ill-fated | imperturbable | inconsequential | insignificant | itchy | |
ill-informed | impish | incredible | insistent | ||
illiterate | impolite | indelible | instructive | ||
J | |||||
jaded | jealous | jovial | judicious | jumpy | |
jagged | jittery | joyful | juicy | juvenile | |
jam-packed | joint | joyous | jumbo | ||
jaunty | jolly | jubilant | junior | ||
K | |||||
kale |