A word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase: Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Adverbs indicate time, manner, place, degree and frequency of something.
Adverbs are usually formed by adding ‘ly’ to the end of an adjective.
- He ran quickly, the adverb ‘quickly’ modifies the verb ‘ran’.
- In the phrase “she smiled cheerfully”, the word “cheerfully” is an adverb
- Time: I always start work early
- Manner: She rides her horse carefully
- Place: When we got there, we had to wait to eat dinner.
- Degree: In Alaska it is very cold, isn’t it?
- Frequency: I’m always late to an appointment.
A | ||||
abnormally | actually | ahead | also | around |
about | adventurously | all | always | arrogantly |
absentmindedly | afterwards | almost | always | as |
accidentally | again | alone | annually | away |
actually | ago | already | anxiously | awkwardly |
B | ||||
back | best | blindly | both | briskly |
bashfully | better | blissfully | bravely | broadly |
beautifully | bitterly | boastfully | briefly | busily |
before | bleakly | boldly | brightly | |
C | ||||
calmly | certainly | close | commonly | courageously |
carefully | cheerfully | closely | continually | crossly |
carelessly | clearly | coaxingly | coolly | cruelly |
cautiously | cleverly | colorfully | correctly | curiously |
D | ||||
daily | deceivingly | deliberately | dimly | down |
daintily | deeply | delightfully | directly | dreamily |
dearly | defiantly | diligently | doubtfully | |
E | ||||
early | else | enthusiastically | even | exactly |
easily | energetically | equally | evenly | excitedly |
either | enormously | especially | eventually | extremely |
elegantly | enough | especially | ever | |
fairly | fatally | fondly | frantically | furiously |
faithfully | ferociously | foolishly | freely | |
famously | fervently | fortunately | frenetically | |
far | fiercely | forward | frightfully | |
fast | finally | frankly | fully | |
G | ||||
generally | gently | gleefully | gratefully | greedily |
generously | gladly | gracefully | greatly | |
H | ||||
happily | heavily | highly | hopelessly | hungrily |
hard | helpfully | home | hourly | |
hastily | helplessly | honestly | how | |
healthily | here | hopelessly | however | |
I | ||||
immediately | innocently | instead | interestingly | |
in | inquisitively | intensely | inwardly | |
indeed | instantly | intently | irritably | |
J | ||||
jaggedly | jealously | joyfully | jubilantly | just |
jaggedly | jovially | joyously | judgmentally | justly |
K | ||||
keenly | kindly | knowingly | kookily | |
kiddingly | knavishly | knowledgeably | ||
L | ||||
later | less | little | longingly | loyally |
lazily | lightly | lively | loosely | |
least | likely | loftily | loudly | |
les | limply | long | lovingly | |
M | ||||
madly | meaningfully | miserably | more | mostly |
majestically | mechanically | mockingly | mortally | much |
maybe | merrily | monthly | most | mysteriously |
N | ||||
naturally | neatly | never | no | not |
nearly | nervously | nicely | noisily | now |
O | ||||
obediently | off | ok | openly | overconfidently |
obnoxiously | offensively | on | optimistically | |
oddly | officially | once | out | |
ofcourse | often | only | over | |
P | ||||
painfully | perfectly | politely | powerfully | properly |
partially | perhaps | poorly | pretty | punctually |
particularly | physically | positively | probably | |
patiently | playfully | potentially | promptly | |
Q | ||||
quaintly | queerly | quicker | quietly | quite |
queasily | questionably | quickly | quirkily | quizzically |
R | ||||
randomly | really | regularly | right | rudely |
rapidly | really | reluctantly | righteously | |
rarely | reassuringly | repeatedly | rightfully | |
rather | recently | reproachfully | rigidly | |
readily | recklessly | restfully | roughly | |
S | ||||
safely | separately | simply | solidly | successfully |
scarcely | seriously | sleepily | sometimes | suddenly |
scarily | shakily | slowly | soon | supposedly |
searchingly | sharply | smoothly | speedily | surprisingly |
sedately | sheepishly | so | stealthily | suspiciously |
seemingly | shrilly | softly | sternly | sweetly |
seldom | shyly | solemnly | still | swiftly |
selfishly | silently | solemnly | strictly | sympathetically |
T | ||||
tenderly | then | tightly | tonight | truthfully |
tensely | there | to | too | |
terribly | thoroughly | today | tremendously | |
thankfully | thoughtfully | together | triumphantly | |
that | thus | tomorrow | truly | |
U | ||||
ultimately | unethically | unnaturally | upright | usefully |
unabashedly | unexpectedly | unnecessarily | upside-down | uselessly |
unaccountably | unfortunately | up | upward | usually |
unbearably | unimpressively | upbeat | urgently | utterly |
V | ||||
vacantly | valiantly | very | violently | |
vaguely | vastly | viciously | vivaciously | |
vainly | verbally | victoriously | voluntarily | |
W | ||||
warmly | wetly | why | woefully | |
weakly | when | wildly | wonderfully | |
wearily | where | willfully | worriedly | |
well | wholly | wisely | wrongly | |
Y | ||||
yawningly | yearningly | yet | youthfully | |
yearly | yesterday | yieldingly | ||
Z | ||||
zealously | zestfully |
zestily |